
A distinguishing feature of this education website is that it guides students on how to conduct independent research into the history of the Armenian Genocide by using online Australian archival databases. Students will be able to apply these research skills in conducting historical research on other historical events.

Teacher and Student Resources

There are five courses within the NSW Board of Studies History Syllabus that provide the capacity to educators to incorporate study of the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocides within their programmes:

  1. Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) Australian History
  2. Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) Elective History
  3. Preliminary (Year 11) Modern History
  4. Higher School Certificate (Year 12) Modern History
  5. Higher School Certificate (Year 12) History Extension

A table identifying these five courses of the NSW Board of Studies History Syllabus and the corresponding aspects of Armenian Genocide history which are suitable for incorporation into these courses has been created to assist teachers and students. The table also provides links to student exercises to facilitate the learning of these courses. The table can be accessed from the submenu of the Teacher and Student Resources link.

Pictures, student exercises, maps, readings, Australian archival records and multimedia material have been made available for teachers as tools for the education of the Armenian Genocide in NSW Schools and can be found in the submenu of the Teacher and Student Resources link.

Background information relating to various aspects of the Armenian Genocide is also available on this website and can be found on the left menu of the home page.